The casinos want you to think of it that way because it encourages gambling, but once you take out a casino marker, they function more as a check to the casino than an actual line of credit. While you may not need to have cash on you to buy a casino marker, it would be a mistake to think of a casino marker as a credit card or other financing tool. It’s rarely a gambler’s intention to default on a casino marker, but it’s more common than you might think. Unfortunately, that’s the case for a lot of people: they get their marker, they start gambling, and they fall into the trap of thinking it’s a line of credit that can be paid like any other credit card. After all, it’s there for you to use, and there’s no chance that you’d exceed the limit, right? If you’re visiting Las Vegas and you’re not an experienced attorney, you might not think much about your casino marker.
Can I Be Arrested If I Don’t Pay My Casino Marker?